Rebloom Yoga and Kensho Mind Hub join forces for a refreshing springtime retreat, our first joint yoga retreat to be held for the second time at Hotel Al Mare, Polychrono in Greek’s most beautiful hidden gem – Halkidiki.

Wake up every morning to energetic sunrise yoga, practicing with a view overlooking the vast sea, followed by a fresh vegetarian breakfast with locally sourced ingredients specially prepared for our yoga group. In the afternoons, you’ll have the chance to experience different pranayama techniques, delve deeper into meditation, and unwind through relaxation or yin yoga practice. Dinner is once again vegetarian and delicious.

As part of the yoga retreat, one day is planned to visit a wild beach in the beautiful secluded nature on the first day, with a sunset view, while the other day is reserved for a creative workshop on the theme “See Your Freedom,” which we leave as a surprise.

The retreat is led by Simona Konstantinovich and Gorjana Jordanovska, certified yoga teachers who have been consistently and dedicatedly sharing their practice with a large number of students for some time now.

The goal is to dive into the depths of our mental body through practices that will focus on asanas, pranayama, and meditation. In the presence of the deep blue sea, the lush awakened vegetation that surrounds us, we will have the opportunity to disconnect from our daily lives and actively engage in our being.

For more information and schedule, check out the program below.

Yoga classes are designed to give you energy and relax you throughout the day. That’s why every morning we start with Ashtanga Vinyasa or Vinyasa Flow, which are energetic practices aimed at getting you moving and waking you up without needing your morning coffee. You’ll be facing the sea, listening to the waves, and surrounded by breathtaking nature—could there be anything more beautiful?

Afternoon yoga practices are intended to relax you deeply. Therefore, on the schedule, we have Yin practice, which deeply relaxes the fascia—the sheath of stringy connective tissue that surrounds every part of your body—for total relaxation of the physical body. We’ll also have guided meditation and sound therapy where we’ll work on the mental body, surrendering to the moment and remaining peaceful and deeply concentrated within ourselves. Pranayama techniques will help us calm the nervous system and learn how to control our breath properly so that we can use it when needed.

All asana practices will be led by both teachers to ensure that each participant receives adjustments, which are crucial in the practice. Through the touch of the teachers, we feel the asana and physically understand how to do it correctly—each adjustment is intended to help the student achieve a higher level of awareness in their yoga practice. The only task you will have is to surrender fully and immerse yourself in the flow.

Meet Gorjana

Gorjana is a certified ashtanga yoga teacher who has been consistently teaching since 2020. She is the founder of the Rebloom Yoga platform through which she has successfully organised three yoga retreats over the past two years, one in Greece and two in the beautiful village of Mavrovo, North Macedonia.

In February 2024, she furthered her knowledge in Mysore, India under the guidance of her now teacher Vijay Kumar in Ashtanga Saadhana Shala. Her journey continues with great curiosity and an immense desire to help her students experience yoga as a tool for self-improvement.

Meet Simona

Simona (founder of Kensho Mind Hub), experienced her first connection with Ashtanga yoga in 2016. From the very beginning, she knew there was something deeper, essential in this yoga path. Her yoga practice evolved deeper day by day, leading her to complete the yoga teacher training in 2019/20, which was just the beginning of a new awareness of her life in general. Drawing her knowledge and experience directly from India, Simona studied Ashtanga yoga at the Purple Valley Centre, Goa India in 2022, and at the Sharat Yoga Centre, Mysore India in 2024.

Her teacher is Ranko Stoikovikj from Belgrade, and her practice has been influenced by workshops with Laruga Glaser, John and Julia Scott, Gabriele Severini and Ty Landrum. Simona unconditionally shares her knowledge of yoga to all those who want to explore, to feel inner connection and freedom.

There is a possibility as well to pay in instalments, just contact us and we will let you know the details