Yoga Retreats Amidst Balkan Wilderness

Welcome to our yoga retreats in the heart of the untamed Balkans, where you’ll find peace amidst the wild beauty of nature. Let us explore the harmonious blend of yoga, wilderness, & adventurous hearts.

Get ready to stretch, breathe, and connect with the wild side of Yourself!

Find Your Flow in Retreats of Joy

Coming very soon.
Stay tuned for more info!

18-22 September, National Park Mavrovo, North Macedonia

Discover What Sets Us Apart?

On this platform, you will find much more than just an ordinary yoga retreat. The desire that guides us in this narrative is to provide you with an unforgettable experience that will surely change your perception of yoga retreats.

Please note – this is not your everyday yoga retreat; on the contrary, we offer complete activation of all parts of your being and aim to make you forget about ordinary vacations once you join us – every break will leave you dreaming of a retreat like this one! We promise you! Each of our retreats is carefully designed to encompass all the elements that make up our existence.

Activation of the physical body through yoga practice, liberation of the mental body from daily stress through meditative and pranayama techniques, awakening of the inner eye through various creative activities that deeply promote self-awareness, and revitalisation of the entire system through meals made with immense love using natural and fresh ingredients.

In addition, our locations are always specially chosen for their untouched nature and wild surroundings, rural isolated places unknown to many, perfect for complete surrender and relaxation, as well as adventurous journeys.

Come join us and surrender completely!

Yoga Stories: Hear From Our Community

This retreat was one of the most unique and transformative experiences of my life. Sharing moments with genuine souls and being guided by Gorjana, a very kind-hearted person and an exceptional yoga teacher, filled my heart with profound happiness and peace. Closing my eyes, I can still revisit those days, it’s as if a warm glow of nostalgia envelops me like a comforting blanket..
Also, it was very balanced and well organized, with each session, activity, and accommodation thoughtfully arranged to create an unforgetful experience for everyone involved, and all of this thanks to the dedicated efforts of Gorjana who worked tirelessly to ensure its success. Looking forward to the next!

The yoga retreat in Greece is a combination of all the necessary elements – yoga, beach, sun, SPF, light food, and relaxed energy.
What I can confirm from experience is that the entire setting, organisation, and approach of the teachers have a psychosomatic influence – positively. Even Goga knows, so since then, I’ve decided not to miss the next one, and here I am eagerly awaiting this year’s.

My first yoga retreat was with Goga. Besides the fact that I will always remember it because it was my first, I will never forget the beautiful, wild beaches, the homely cooked and delicious food, as well as the perfectly planned organization, which seamlessly suited everyone’s needs. I always choose to attend her retreats. You meet new and interesting people, uncover new perspectives, and discover new horizons.

Reach Out!

Please Let Us Know if You Have Any Questions,
We Are Here to Make Your Retreat the Best Thing Ever!